As being passed on, Hazret Imâm-ı Âzam Ebû Hanife (an İslamic leader, 699 - 767) has goods on a Zoroaster man. To want it, Imâm-ı Âzam goes to his house. When he comes to the front of the door, his shoes get muddy and to purify, he shakes his foot. But that mud pastes on the wall of Zoroaster man’s house. Imam does not know what to do, because if he tries to clean it, the wall will be decayed. And if he leaves, the wall will stay dirty because of his shoe’s mud.
He decides to ask it to the owner of the wall, knockes his door. Imam said to the maid:
“Inform your master, ‘Ebu Hanife is waiting for you.’
The man comes, thinking that Ebu Hanife comes for wanting his goods, so he startes to apologize.
Imâm Âzam answers:
“That is not the matter now.”
And he tells about the wall and asks. “How can I clean the wall, tell me.”
In the face of this precision and sensitivity, Zoroastrian man is very affected and says,
“Before everything, I should start by purifying myself first!”
and he becomes Muslim at thereupon.